Crime Analysis Unit

Crime Analysis Unit

Crime Analysis Unit
Christine Mullan
[email protected]

The overall objective of the Knoxville Crime Analysis Unit is to obtain and analyze as much information as possible, in order to identify crime patterns, trends, offenders, and develop correlations, to improve short term and long term decision making, and the ability of the Department to manage, allocate, and deploy resources so that criminal activities can be stopped.

If you want to know what crime is happening in your community, there are two good resources. 

Community Crime Map — allows residents to pull crime data, search for specific crime types, submit tips, and more. 

Crime Insight from the TBI — residents can locate information not only for Knoxville, but crime that is reported by all Tennessee law enforcement agencies. 

Procedures for Requesting Crime Analysis Reports

Crime Analysis will process all requests for analysis of crime data based upon the below listed criteria. All requests for Offense, Traffic or Investigative Reports or any report information should be directed to the Knoxville Police Departments Record’s Unit.

Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) Product Request Form:
Download CAU Request Form [PDF]

Product request forms may be copied from this web site via the fillable pdf form and mailed to the Crime Analysis Unit, or a copy may be obtained at the front desk of the Knoxville Police Department located at 1650 Huron Street, Knoxville, Tennessee.

Required information to be included in each Product Request Form:

• Requestor information (name, address, telephone number, Email address)
• Reason for request (business, personal or other)
• Report Type you are requesting (See explanation below)
• Dates range of desired report (example: Jan. 1, 2000 – Jan. 31, 2000)
• Address for area you are requesting information for (so that a beat and/or grid can be determined)

Mailing Address:

Knoxville Police Department
c/o Crime Analysis Unit
1617 Saint Mary Street
Knoxville, TN 37917


The charge for a CAU Product is $10.00 per report. You must include a check, money order or cashier’s check for the request total, payable to the Knoxville Police Department with your request.

News Media:

Knoxville Police Department’s Public Information Officer must first approve requests for analysis from the news media and can be reached at 865-215-7210.


Normally, requested CAU Reports will be completed in 3-5 working days after receipt of the CAU Product Request Form. Knoxville Police Department’s internal demands take priority over requests received from outside entities.

Best Way to Send Report To You:

The Crime Analysis Unit will prepare the request and send it back to you by email, fax or mail. If you indicate mail, the request must be no more than 50 pages in size.

Date Range:

You must indicate the date range on the request. Each report requested must be no more than five years (January – December). If you need more than five year’s worth of data, you must submit a separate request and pay an additional fee for that data.

Types of Reports:

The Calls for Service Report is a report that lists the number of times the Police Department has responded to calls from citizens and the types of calls and it may be produced by:
1) Calls for service by address
2) Calls for service by Traffic Zone
3) Calls for service by Beat

The Reported Crime Summary report provides report date, time, type of call and may be produced by:
1) Reported Crime by Traffic Zone
2) Reported Crime by Beat
3) Reported Crime by Address

Special Reports:

The Crime Analysis Unit Supervisor, prior to submission of the Crime Analysis Unit (CAU) Product Request Form, must approve requests for reports not described above. All required programming and computer use costs will be applied to special requests.

Information Disclaimer:

The Custodian of Records of Calls for Service data is the Knoxville / Knox County Emergency 911 Center. The Knoxville Police Department Crime Analysis Unit utilizes data downloaded from the Knoxville Knox County Emergency 911 database and cannot validate the accuracy of Calls for Service data.

Knoxville Police report data used for Crime Analysis Reports may be changed upon further investigation or when audited.

Knoxville Police Department reports are not made on every citizen’s call for service. Police calls do not always require criminal investigations or police reports. Many are service calls for police assistance and do not involve a reportable crime.

Knoxville Police Department reports may be obtained from the Knoxville Police Department’s Records Unit. Police Report requests may be made at the records counter located in the main lobby of the Public Safety Complex at 1650 Huron Street, Knoxville, Tennessee.