In early 2023, the Knoxville Police Department officially formed a standalone Homicide Unit. The detectives assigned to the Homicide Unit are solely responsible for investigating all homicides that occur within the City of Knoxville in addition to non-fatal shootings, suicides, any assaults that result in potentially life-threatening injuries and deaths of a suspicious nature.
The Violent Crimes Unit was separated from the Homicide Unit, though the detectives within each of those units work closely with one another on the investigations that fall within the two units’ purview.
Violent Crimes Unit detectives are responsible for investigations into robberies, bank robberies, assaults, aggravated assaults with non-life-threatening injuries, work-place violence situations and adult missing persons.
The Homicide and Violent Crime Units have a dedicated victim advocate, who serves as a point of contact between the KPD and the families of victims of violent crime. Brandi Carson serves in that role, and can be contacted at [email protected] or 865-215-7565.
The Homicide Unit works diligently to solve every homicide that happens in the City of Knoxville. Unfortunately, there are cases that remain unsolved, years after the fact. The Unit maintains a running, public list of unsolved murder cases, which can be found here.
1650 Huron Street
Knoxville, TN 37917
Phone: (865) 215-7000
© Knoxville Police Department 2025