The primary mission of the KPD Search and Rescue Team is to conduct missing person searches, identify witnesses and assist in article searches. The team is comprised of two task forces that train bi-monthly to hone their skills. With a focus on search techniques, each member will cross-train in a variety of scenarios in order to ensure that they are equipped to handle the most difficult of situations.
Several members of the SAR team are specially certified in swift water rescue, rope rescue, and man tracking. One member and her bloodhound partner compliment the tracking component of the search team. In larger incidents that require the coordination of multiple agencies or teams, the Incident Command System is initiated. Having the ability to successfully identify multi-faceted components of a search while inserting the most qualified individuals is a recipe for success.
1650 Huron Street
Knoxville, TN 37917
Phone: (865) 215-7000
© Knoxville Police Department 2025